Rainbow Bridge

I just watched my dog die and the loss hollowed me. She died at 12:10am January 7, 2016. My daughters birthday. I pick Offspring up for a birthday dinner and weekend trip to Florida in 17 hours. There is no good time for this news.

She died in my arms as I talked sweetly to her. Petting her velvet white coat as she fought through the convulsions. She was in her safe spot. Right under my computer desk where I made a pallet for her as she warmed my feet while working. Her favorite spot.

It was time for her to go pee one last time before calling it a night. When I called her name and clicked my teeth, she tried to get up, let out a whimper and fell on her side like a toy robot tripping over the rug. That was it. She lasted another minute as her mom and dad surrounded her with love. She was gone.

We found Annie-Pants through a mutual friend. She had made her way to a rural gas station in Kingston Springs where our friend Aimee took her in. As soon as the text came in, we knew we had a new family member.

She came into our lives unexpected and left just the same. She was our white snowfox ghost with Cullen eyes and white lashes. Her demeanor was gentle, graceful and wild at heart. You could embrace her while she laid down, but would not allow you to trap or wrap her in your arms too tightly. She had boundaries, and she was firm. The first thing I did when she past was hug her tightly and take in her softness one last time, half expecting a paw to rise in resistance.

Missing you is the first thing I will feel for the next many months. You were a constant companion, a calming presence and the best travel and camping buddy I could ask for. The Rainbow Bridge awaits you my friend. I'll see you in the other side.